Sunday, May 15, 2011

Here we go

so i started to blog..who would think right..
to start off with let me introduce myself..
name s Chandula..wanna do anything related to astronomy (if not at least be a pilot )and studying computer science in UOC..
yea you might think "why the hell is she doing computer science???"
that's what i thought of posting as my first..thought it might open up a few eyes.
you see many of us make this is my story where i thought for a while i made a mistake.(but turns out to be a pretty good move in my life).to tell you the truth i did not like computer science at was not the cool subject i thought it was.i was having a very hard time in uni the first few months..but as i got to know the subject..i saw what it really was and the beauty of the subject.i figured i had a lot to learn and each day i experience something new.and now after 2.5 years of hard work, I'm glad that i chose this field even though my passion to fly will remain in my heart(i will some day make it happen).
so basically what i m saying is..

"do what you do with all you've got,
 and you'll find some reason to like it even if you do not"

so friends as i start to blog expect experiences, techie stuff, cool astronomy stuff, music and many more in the posts that are yet to come:)
this is my first ever blogging experience so please do feel free to tell me what you think:)

Chandula out...